
Is there a free trial?

Yes, absolutely! When you sign up, we automatically add 5 credits to your account so that you can fully check out how things work. If that's not enough, email us at and we'll work on a solution that'll help you complete your tests. Probably just add some more credits :)

Can I buy more than one credit?

Yes. At the top of the Pricing page, there's a number field hidden within the "Order x credits for $y each" text. Edit the number and buy any quantity of credits you'd like.

What happens when I run out of credits?

Hopefully you won't. First we'll notify you by email when your account balance drops below 10 credits. Second, we encourage you to set up auto-recharge to automatically buy more credits when you're running low. You can configure both the threshold for triggering the recharge and the amount you'd like to recharge by. To configure that, go to the Payments tab.

Do I pay for downloads or storage?

No. We only charge you a credit when you sell an ebook. So 1 ebook sale = 1 watermarking = 1 credit. And that's all. Everything else, like storage and subsequent downloads of watermarked files are included in the price.

How much do I pay when selling an ebook in multpiple formats?

There's no additional charge for selling the same ebook in multiple formats. You can upload files in all the supported formats (EPUB, MOBI and PDF) and we'll watermark them together for the same price.


Can I see a demo file?

Yes. Just one thing before you download them: consider testing LemonInk with your own file. You can do that for free, just sign up, upload your file and test away. This way you'll see how it works with your files and will be able to tweak the available settings. Go for it.

But if a generic demo file is enough for you right now, here are the links: EPUB, PDF. Mobi files generally work the same way as EPUB, so we're skipping that here.

What customer data can I include?

Here's the list:

  • order number,
  • customer email — full or masked for privacy purposes,
  • customer name — full or masked for privacy purposes.

You can freely combine those values to compose a text that'll work for you. Some examples to help you visualise this:

  • "Order #123 (p***" — here, email's masked to stay GDPR friendly,
  • "Order #456 (" — same as above but not masked,
  • "This copy is digitally signed for Sally S." — last name cropped for GDPR,
  • "This copy is digitally signed for Sally Smith" — full name.

Let us know if you need anything else.

What file formats are supported?

We offer support for three types of documents:

  • reflowable ebooks in EPUB and MOBI formats,
  • fixed format ebooks in PDFs,
  • audiobooks in form of MP3s compressed in a ZIP archive.

We're in early phases of working on watermarking comicbooks in CBZ/CBR/CB7 formats so drop us a line if that's something you're interested in.

Can I choose where the watermark is inserted?

Yes, you can, but with some caveats.

For EPUB and MOBI files we try automatically detecting the first chapter — the actual chapter, not copyright page, not credits, the first chapter when the actual book starts. If that doesn't suit you or if it doesn't work for your ebook, you can pick a specific HTML file within your EPUB/MOBI document and we'll add the watermark on the beginning of this chapter. Let us know if you'd like us to set this up for you.

In PDFs things are a bit different. By default we add the watermark text to the bottom left corner of each page. You can change that though in Settings.

For audiobooks, the audible watermark will be added as a file named ___LICENCE.mp3 so that it should be always played out at the beginning of the book. If you'd like to change the name of the file, let us know.